Crown Reduction, Thinning & Lifting
Designed to reduce the overall size of the tree, crown reduction, also known as crown shaping, is when stems and branches are removed or cutback to reduce the spread or height of a tree. Reducing the overall crown is usually done for cosmetic purposes. However, it is also done to remove branches or stems that may be too heavy for the tree.
All of our pruning cuts are taken back to secondary branches to retain the trees natural form and shape.
In mature trees, we remove no more than 30% of the foliage to ensure the tree stays healthy and keeps a natural look.
Crown Thinning
Designed to give the tree a less “heavy” look and allow in more light, crown thinning is carried out to reduce the overall weight of the crown. Crown thinning leaves the main branch system untouched and only removes secondary branches. The overall shape and size of the tree remains unchanged because we only remove internal branches. The aim is purely to provide more light, remove dead branches or branches that rub or cross.
In mature trees, we remove no more than 30% of the foliage to ensure the tree stays healthy, and keeps a natural look.
Crown Lifting
Designed to raise the canopy of the tree to make more space for people, vehicles or buildings, crown lifting is the selective removal of certain branches to “lift” the tree. We use a number of techniques so as not to damage the tree, including reducing the end weight of hanging branches to create lift. We prune and remove lower branches very selectively and carefully so as not to create a tree that is top-heavy.
In mature trees, we remove no more than 30% of the foliage to ensure the tree stays healthy, and keeps a natural look.
For assistance and advice please call 07969 146309.